Sunday, 30 June 2013

Lucky Giveaway Winner.

An exciting moment - time to announce the winner of blog giveaway. Have totally loved all your fawning comments but all good things must come to an end and as I cannot think how to drag this out for a day longer it's with no more delay I announce the winner as.....Sally! As you can see from the screen shot above I abandoned my usual giveaway protocol as too complicated and have embraced to help me select a winner.  You may also notice, if your eyes are good enough or your screen big enough, that Anonymous actually came out on top but as I have good reason to believe  anonymous is a relative, and I am yet to locate and enable the Blogger "Block A Relative' function, I have made the executive decision to go with next along - Sally - who seems a fab choice as she needs a new book to read and may actually grace us with a decent review. Sally please contact me at and provide an address to send your book giveaway and, alongside some appropriate grateful sentiments, whether you would like the book fake signed by the author (or not).
Thanks for joining in everyone and remember - you are all winners. Just one with a new book to read and several others without.
(Please note the Appropriate Blogger Giveaway Loser Protocol: leave a comment expressing happiness/envy for winner - sincere or otherwise - and an enquiry as to where can purchase promotional tool the book for self).


  1. Hahaha! We are all winners, some with and some without...I love it! Lucky I am way too stressed to read at the moment. I hope Sally enjoys many happy hours of reading, hours that are not mine to enjoy...*sob*

  2. Yay for Sally!! ok, that's as nice as it's getting - am secretly filthy that I did not win - I still know where you live and I'm not sure that isn't biased against me... grrr. my monday ruined...

    ps would like to know where I can get book as desperate to see if I can pick your character out - or if I picked the bitchiest one and it isn't based on you, how embarrassed I would be.... (answer - not very). xx

    1. Oh Karen, you know how I love a sore loser! xx.

    2. Oh, thank you for asking where one may purchase this book. I cannot believe I forgot to include that information in the post! The publisher's page has directions for actual book purchase and e book purchase. In addition you may download a sample chapter!

  3. Wow, I'm so excited to be the winner (seriously!) as I'm still in need of a new book to read, and of course I wanted it signed. If anyone wants to know what they missed out on I will review it, but as I don't have as many followers as you Mia I'm sorry for your sister as its unlikely to increase her royalty cheque. And I like how gracious the other winners are being with their loss. S:)

    1. Ten points for humble gratitude Sally - have decided not to charge for postage after all! :) Book on way this week!
