Tuesday, 11 June 2013

BOOK Giveaway - The Rules of Conception.

As promised I am having a giveaway for the recent publication of my sisters novel The Rules Of Conception. I know I also promised an interview and to read the book myself plus post my own review but honestly when I got to the second chapter and realised I wasn't in the book I could hardly be bothered. I did ask our older sister Lara if she had read the book ("Yes I have Mia")  and did she have any thoughts on it ("Yes I do Mia")  and if she could be so kind as to grudgingly share them with Trophy Wife readers ("Honestly Mia?") and that eventually came to something. I guess beggars can't be choosers. One week, two phone calls, five texts and a baby sitting bribe later this...."The Rules of Conception by Angela Lawrence is an absorbing and timely counterpoint to the myth women in their thirties are too obsessed with themselves and their careers to make time for romance and babies. Rachel, the protagonist, take us on a well researched journey through all the options available to women wanting to have a baby on their own all the while navigating the frustrating and fraught world of both modern dating and office politics. I found myself backing Rachel, not only as she began to realise her dream but also as she took on her megalomaniac boss Lyndall and the company CEO Patrick -  a character who functions both as metaphor for the dying face of patriarchy and as a literary device for resolving the complex relationship between competing cross generational feministic modalities." Right. Thanks Lara. Whotevs.
Anyway as I said I have a copy of the aforementioned novel to give away to readers so to enter just become a follower and leave a comment below stating why you think I wasn't a character in the novel. Just leave a comment is all.
Also please be sure to refer to my blogger protocol on giveaways first as it is one of my most popular posts.
PS Other more reliable reviews can be found here and here.


  1. Mia, I think you were not a character because you would have upstaged Rachel. You deserve your own novel solely devoted to you.
    x Tina
    ps I became a follower of you ages ago but I don't know how to comment via my follower profile, which is why I always select name/url. I hope this will not stand in my way of winning the book!

    1. Your insightful comment has you top of the queue for winning the giveaway Tina. That and also you are the only entry so far.

  2. I have no idea what that means Miss Prudence but it sounds good and could be worth your while when it comes time to draw.....

  3. This book can't beat my soap ..but as far a literally tomes go, sounds good!

  4. I've just finished a very good book I got out of the free bin - Crow Lake by Mary Lawson. Seriously good. I'm annoyed I've finished it because now I have to find another free (good) book. S:)
    P.S. You're becoming very popular, look 31 followers cf my measly 23. Maybe I need a giveaway?

    1. Seriously, you need to check my post "Secrets Of Blogging Success" (yes at 31 followers am highly qualified to be offering this advice).

  5. Ah, sisters... we love them, we hate them ;) Another sterling post and giveaway Mia - as always, saying more about life and in this instance the tricky relationship between siblings than any pseudo diatribe could manage. You are so clever :) I still think you should have your own newspaper column. Congratulations to your sister - I hope the book does well for her. Kx

  6. Have been a secret follower for some time. I'm sure there are more of us hiding in the wings scared to commit.. and of spam. I just brought your followers up to 32, and I'm preggas with my first at 35, how apt... surely that's worth a free book. Peace, love & crochet. Kiara

    1. Hi Kiara, thanks for the commitment! That's worth heaps to be sure. Stay tuned for giveaway draw!

  7. Another great post, I do like the variety in topics. The book sounds interesting, I am intrigued by the struggle women have with if and when to have kids. I can't ever imagine wanting to have a baby on my own, though I suppose with four kids of my own hubby and are outnumbered 2 to 1..

  8. I am Angela Lawrence's Aunty - and like my other talented niece, Mia, I simply cannot understand why I wasn't in the book - especailly as I am so utterly charismatic, quirky and totally chapter-worthy! Other than that, the book is fantastic and I look forward to a sequal (with Mia and I featured prominently).

    1. I hear your pain Anonymous.

    2. That's "Aunty" Anonymous, Mia...
