It's no secret that I am super ambitious for this blog and the places it could take me and yet, funnily enough, I dont think I have ever been fully clear where I would like Trophy Wife to go. Except, perhaps, that time I devised a rough Blog Mission Statement which saw Trophy Wife build a large following, gain sponsorship, a book deal and, ultimately, link to a shop on etsy which would then showcase my dried Weetbix sculptures to the world, procuring in the process my long held dream of international celebrity crafter status.
Other times I see Trophy Wife opening up a Pinterest account.
Just lately though I have got to thinking more about personal goals vis a vis blogging and, having come to the conclusion that etsy is just soooo 2009, realising I would do a whole lot better to concentrate entirely on this blog but with a view to becoming a Remarkable. Because being a Remarkable is totally where it is at now and I think by saying that here - this is my ultimate goal - will make for a manifesting consciousness/'The Secret' kind of energy and thus happen. Also - in a manifesty kind of way - I have contacted the Remarkables talent agency inviting their talent scouts to get their bloggy selves over to Trophy Wife and download some remarkable DIY/Mummy/Whiny Chronic Illness bloggy action. At the moment they have 8 Remarkables on their books and are not planning any immediate additions but I am so sure I'm just what they are looking for to add to their stable of Australian Mummy Blogging talent that I have already imagined myself in one of their feature Cafe Remarkable posts sharing my thoughts on...well, on myself....See what you think....
My Cafe Order Is...Weetbix with tepid milk.
I started my blog because...I am looking for personal affirmation from strangers and a place to show the world what I can do with a toilet roll, three weathered pegs and a ball of string.
My Favourite Post ever was....DIY Roll Ribbon.
I think My readership is growing because....I follow lots of other blogs, leaving generous comments, in the hope they will follow me back. On occasion this has worked. When traffic is down I jump in with a giveaway which doesn't hurt and as a last resort I post pictures of studly men in retro knits. My proposed new feature - an interactive photographic exercise diarising the state of my cutlery drawer - is also bound to pull in more traffic.
My Blog in three words would be...Sad, Desperate, Plagiaristic (but in a good way!).
The best thing about being a blogger is...all the opportunities to take photos looking down at my shoes.
My favourite reality tv show of all time is*...."Search For The Next Pussycat Doll". I don't see that ever being topped.
I am sure to hear back from The Remarkables Blogging Talent Agency any day now.
*Not an actual Cafe Remarkable question.